Does anyone have or know about Ullman countermarch looms?   Sparse info, maybe a Finnish loom with unconventional tie-ups using rods connecting lamms to treadles.  Lamms all on same level unlike what I am familiar with in Scandinavian looms.   Any information would be very helpful. Pros and cons encouraged.


Weaverani (not verified)

Have you been able to learn any more? Thanks.

Sara von Tresckow

Doyou have a photo?

Countermarche action can be initiated in more than one way. The old Aktiv from Glimakra had all lams at the same level - alternating long/short/long/short with direct connections to the treadles below.


Hello. I have an ullman. I actually found this site and registered after searching yet again for "ullman loom". Mine sounds just like yours, with rods instead of ties. Every few years I search for people who have one to see if they know more! I am a novice weaver, definitely, but was able to make a set of Montessori mats on my ullman this past fall without too much trouble. It's a beautiful loom. I found some information online about how to assemble it. I wonder sometimes if it truly is countermarch, frankly, and I'm curious how the Aktiv from Glimakra worked.

Again, novice here, but my biggest con with this loom is that it is nearly impossible to maintain a good tension--the back brake slips a lot. I plan to have my brother-in-law the engineer try to figure out a way to make it stay better.