Hi everyone,

We've been invited to a get-together, courtesy of Weavolution and WebEx!  This is a half-hour, online video chat session where we can share our projects, our problems, and our progress!  It'll be fun getting to "meet" everyone.

I'd like to hold our WebEx this coming weekend, either Saturday or Sunday.  if you're interested, chime in (and tell me what times will work for you)!


P.S. You don't need a webcam, you can also participate using your computer's microphone and speakers, no video.  (In case you're participating in a bathrobe and curlers, and don't want to give the game away!)



Would love to join in for this. Saturday would be great.

Weeweaver (not verified)

Hi folks, I don't have a mic and my speakers are just loud enough to make me strain to hear anything. Is there an option for us non-hearers? 

tablet-weaver (not verified)

I'm flexible about the time - just remember that several time-zones are involved.  How about 5:00 pm Pacific Time on Saturday? 



Mary Rios (not verified)

Wee Weaver,

Once you login to Webex, you can set your audio to be your phone. You'll be instructed to dial a certain number. Try to get to the meeting 5 minutes early to dial in!


5 pm Pacific Time (are you still on daylight saving time?) sounds like a civilised time to me.  I'm in Australia and it will be late Sunday morning, much better than the time for the meet up last night which was 1 am our time, not a good idea when you have to be at work at 9 am in the morning

KB (not verified)

I'll be at a weaving conference all weekend. It is called EGLFC and is a small conference held at Chautauqua Institute in New York state. I'll be cutting into my material in a few days!

tien (not verified)

Ooh, have fun at the weaving conference!  We'll expect a full report when you  get back!  :-)

5pm Pacific (yes, we are still on Daylight Savings) on Saturday sounds like a good time.  Who else can make it?

SallyE (not verified)

Unfortunately, I will be unavailable all weekend.



My iPad does not seem to like webex. Tried to load for Monday, but could not connect. Is there just a call in option. My wool comes off the loom today. Pics on Wednesday.


Saturday at 5 p.m. Pacific works for me.

Michael White

Sorry, but I have a prior commitment on Saturday

Have fun everyone,


Weeweaver (not verified)

I have never heard of Webex, but I think I'll be around. That would be 8PM EDT, right? I have a Mac computer and hope that's OK. I don't think it has a phone, but am not sure. I've never seen or heard one on it, Wee

Weeweaver (not verified)

I looked up Webex on Yahoo and I now see that it's software that you buy for conferences. I am sorry. It's not something I can afford and I can't get it free as I don't work in an office. I get most of my income from being a volunteer driver for a CAP agency and there's not much extra for software. I am one of the minority of weavers who have very little money, but really enjoy what I am doing. I love the challenge of finding equipment at prices I can afford and finding wonderful yarns at Goodwill and Salvation Army stores. I have a fantastic AVL loom that I found on Craig's List for less than I could ever imagine and I just bought some more PVC pipe to make a new set of lease sticks for my newest new-to-me loom, the one I will be weaving the dishtowels on. I am annoyed by lease sticks that have to be hung because they are too short to rest on the loom, so I make longer ones out of PVC pipe, end caps, and PVC cement. I will be making a 30" set for my 22" loom. I have a 6' set for my 5' loom. They are smooth and the yarns just slide so nice on them. I do treat myself once a year to something special for weaving. It might be a new reed or a shuttle or something equally nice. 


Saturday, 2 pm eastern daylight time will work for me as of now.  My first bear is in the process of being stuffed.  Only 2 more fabrics to finish weaving, and 10 bears to cut and sew!

Jenny in Charlevoix the Beautiful

tien (not verified)

WebEx is free for you to use!  Weavolution pays the monthly fee to host WebEx meetings; we can use it for free through Weavolution.

Also, you can dial in to the meetings using a phone if you don't want to use a computer/Internet - I'll find out how to do it and post the info here.

So please come!  We'd love to see you!


tien (not verified)

P.S. 5pm Pacific is actually 8pm Eastern,  Jenny - does that work for you?

Mary Rios (not verified)


Once the HalloWeaver joins the webex meeting on their computer, they will be prompted to the choice of audio. The two choices are: telephone and computer.

to use your telephone:

Using the phone, you will see and hear everything, and everyone will hear you when you speak!




I am sorry, but the I need to even know how to get to webex for our meeting. Idaho means 6pm. R

Weeweaver (not verified)

I also am not knowledgeable about this. A real nooby here, lol. I appreciate all the helpgiven so far. THANKS!

tien (not verified)

Hi all,

Here is how to access the meeting:

By Internet:

First, click on this link when the meeting starts (5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern).  This should bring up the Webex site.  Enter whatever name you want to be listed by in the conference (otherwise we won't know who you are!)  Then enter the meeting password, which is "hello".

And that should do it!  You will need a microphone and speakers if you want to use your computer (as opposed to a phone) for audio, and you will need a webcam if you want to share video (of your smiling face, or of your projects, etc.).  A lot of computers have built in microphones and speakers, and some even have webcams as well.


To join the audio conference only


Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600

Enter the access code:806 973 696

Let me know if you have any questions - if not, I'll see you all on Saturday at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern!

Looking  forward to meeting everyone!


Weeweaver (not verified)

Thanks to Tien for the excellent explanation of how to use this Webex stuff. I will be coming in by phone, as I have no mic for my 'puter. S'OK, 'cause I have unlimited calling. See you all then, Wee 


Thanks for making the meeting later.  We have a beautiful day to be working outside.  I'll set my reminder for 8 pm eastern.  Back to scraping paint on the house trim!

Jenny in Charlevoix the Beautiful, gorgeous, awesome!