Hello Drawloom Weavers, I'm just getting started with my drawloom. I would appreciate any recommendations for settin gup my "syllabus". I am in the process of learning summer and winter, taquete, etc. I'm wondering if drawloom weaving is like taquete, but with the normal shafts being the background and the pattern shafts obviously creating the pattern. Any recommended resources, videos, classes, instructors, etc. would be much appreciated. Also any advice from your learning experience, such as master x structure first would be appreciated. Thanks for helping a new drawloom owner. Cheers, Erica


SallyE (not verified)

What kind of drawloom do you have?   When I search on them I only get the brand Glimakra, but I think there are others available in Europe.

I've been reading up also, and so far the best book I've found is this one:

Damask And Opphamta With Weaving Sword Or Drawloom. I'll be interested to see what you weave!


Hi, here is a good online group to join: http://home.hccnet.nl/j.diepenbroek/ Plus Complex Weavers has a double harness study group, more info is posted here http://www.complex-weavers.org/study07.htm I am not a drawloom weaver but many of my friends are and speak highly of these groups. I think some of the weavo members who have drawlooms are at a big international convention this week so hopefully when they are home they will speak up about resources also.

Erica J

Thanks for the help. I completely forgot the conference was this week! Sally E, I have a Glimakra. The drawloom attachment is made by a third party and works with Toika looms as well I believe. You can possible contact JoAnne Hall about getting one shipped to the US.


Dawn McCarthy

Is it the Myrehead? I have a 10 shaft Opphamta but am in the middle of converting to an overhead single harness. The shaft draw requires a greater extension on the back of the loom - the more harnesses the greater the extension.




Erica J

I think it is Myrehead. I believe what I got was the shaft option. I don't understand how the single harness works or what the difference is. Well I don't understand much at this point! :)


Erica J

I was rearranging the studio today, my draw loom is a Myrehead! Cheers, Erica


I was searching the site and came back to this discussion. I was wondering if anyone had other recommended resources?