Does this look right?
i followed this and ended up with orange/red - not beige - any ideas where i'm going wrong?
thank you very much!
I need 1.25ml of dye and i take the 30% and multiply by 1.25
30% = 37.5
30% = 37.5
25% = 31.25
15% = 18.75
so would i then multiply the sum by 0.5%?
37.5 = 1.875ml
37.5 = 1.875ml
31.25 = 1.56ml
18.75 = .93
for the last amount - i would need to take 10ml of the 2% stock Navy and put in my 100ml flash, then fill my flask to 100 ml mark with water to dilute. then i would measure 9.3g of the navy?