Please start by telling us about your beautiful spool rack. Is the space on the right for a built in winder?


TheLoominary (not verified)

Hi,the spool rack was built as an add on to my twining frame station I built awhile back.I have built a double spoolwinder,and a new type of tension box also.Photos can be viewed under: Home Built Equipment.Cheers,TheLoominary.

missbeckyohh43 (not verified)

I am having a spool rack made and I was thinking that I would use these spools. 

Can these spools be found made of sturdier materials - like something aside from cardboard? 

Also, how do you get your threads spun on the spool?



TheLoominary (not verified)

Hello, the "cardboard" spools you see on the rack that I built are actually quite sturdy.The material is more like a press-board than a cardboard.They should last for years if used carefully. They were purchased at Halcyon Yarn (on-line) for $ 1.25 each. Very strong ones made of styrene plastic are available on-line at Leclerc looms, however they cost a whopping $ 3.75 each! Another option is available at, as they have cardboard spools 4" long with 8" ends that be trimmed to the customary 3" ends for $.52 each, sold in a bag of 25.They are lighter than the others, but the price is good. You will need a spool winder to load your spools. A fellow on e-bay is building a nice one for around $150.If you would like to build your own you can also purchase a new sewing machine motor/with foot pedal at e-bay, however the one for $150 is a good price. Go to the Leclerc looms site, and you can see a video showing their winder being loaded. Hope this has helped, Frank


Loominary, do you use your spool rack to spool warp threads to go to a warping mill? I'm going to make some spools myself probably from wood. Birch you know is known as spool wood. But anyway, I will be working with yarns and want a big spool. So anyway I have this spool rack made with removeable dowel rods. Turned all the dowels on my Veritas dowel jig. Thought I would post it up. They fit into a 1/32" home when fully seated. You'll here a small snap.

TheLoominary (not verified)

Hi ReedGuy. Great job on your rack. I like the fact your dowels "snap" into place. My rack is used for sectional warping, so it goes directly to my tension box, then to my sectional beam. Here is a photo of a vintage German spool I have. It measures about 7"w x 8" h. It is +- 90 years old, and made of Beech and Spruce, as are many German weaving items. Should you build your wood spools, please show us a photo, there also seems to be some interest from others to also do them.Thanks, Frank


Your antique spool looks similar to my reels I made, my reels are 6" diameter. They rotate on 1/8" brass rod. I think the full photo is in this group, but a reel is in my avatar that you've probably noticed.