Hi all - my name is Becky and I have been taking classes with Claudia for the RH loom I have tried a couple of different looms but have decided I want a Kromski Harp Decision is now get a 24" or 32" It will be the only loom I have so I need to pick correctly I would like to hear pro's and con's from people that use them Thanks Becky


kellytwo (not verified)

Hi Becky, I have both the 24" and the 32" Harp. I had the 24" for several years, and not long ago I bought the 32" to weave shawls, but right after that I bought a 45" floor loom, so I never got around to making shawls on the RH. Now that I have the big floor looms I kind of regret buying the 32" RH because I think the 24" is more usefull. The 32" is really big, so it depends on how much room you have, and I would definitely get the stand for either one, it makes the weaving experience more enjoyable. It certainly depends on what you think you'll be weaving the most of. If you think you'll make scarves or towels or things that aren't too wide, useing a 32" heddle all the time will get a bit annoying. 

If you decide that you'll be making larger projects and want the 32", I would consider selling mine. 


71Bear (not verified)

Doreen thanks - i want to (well I have good intentions) to do all sorts of projects All the way from guitar straps up to table cloths and shawls I dont ahve room for a big floor loom in my house (I would have to get rid of my piano, which I dont want to) So I would like to get the best bang for my buck. Becky


Well, don't forget you can always sew pieces together.  Even with my 32" harp, I'm going to have to do that for some projects.  Blankets, lots of blankets! ;-)  So the 24" is a viable option for you.  I'll second the needing the stand.  It was uncomfortable to weave with her clamped to my coffee table, and 32" is waaayy too big to hold in your lap!  I could only work for a short while sitting on the floor with the harp leaning against the couch. 


Joanne Hall

I find that the 27 inch rigid heddle loom is comfortable to put in my lap for weaving.  I am short, so I need two pillows to make me tall enough to be comfortable when it is clamped to a table.


71Bear (not verified)

I decided to get a 24inch harp & stand I am going to pick it up this week. After trying different RH looms and looking at my space and taking into consideration what y'all said I decided on a 24" then when we can make space in our 1890's stone farm house (with very tiny rooms) i will get a floor loom. thanks for all the advice Becky

Weavepurple (not verified)

Facing the same decision I found thus post and some additional messaging with 71bear most helpful. Although the prices are so similar and more weaving real-estate is supposed to be beneficial I too went with the 24" Harp. Ease of portability won! I'm looking forward to my looms arrival and posting details about it in my projects. I've done several in the past year on my other looms but a new loom and a fresh start in documentation is called for. Thank you all for being so helpful in your posts to this and other threads that lead to my decision. I look forward to being a part of this group. Happy weaving, Elizabeth

71Bear (not verified)

Am currently putting my harp togetherr I got a 24inch one WOOHOO Becky

Weavepurple (not verified)

I got mine on Friday - and put it together last night - creating a warp now :)  I'm so glad with my decision - and the one factor I didn't weigh in - 24 is lighter than 32 which will be even more convinient and the width works with my favorite chair perfectly!

Happy weaving Becky! And congratulations!

Thanks again for all the stellar advise. 

clgy (not verified)

I might be too late with this comment...........but I wanted to say that I recently purchased my first loom - a RH Kromski Harp 16 inch. The reason I chose the 16 inch is that I suspect I will eventually want a floor loom. I like the idea of having the small RH, and a wider floor loom, when the time comes. If I never thought I'd purchase another loom, though, I might go with the 32, unless tired arms will be a consideration!! :) 


Hi all if anyone even reads this anymore?   I was gifted a 24 inch harp from my FairyloomMother. I find the 24 inch a wonderful size for me since we have very little space for another ...OBJECT of any size. :) I live in a tiny condo...and was asked by my benifactor to chose a size I would not soon "grow" out of in spite of my lack of space.  It is perfect for me. I can even fold it down for short storage times....we might be moving to an even smaller space sometime in the next year or so so portability is needed not only for the move but when we are in the new accomodatiions.  16 inchs would be a limitation for me in the future I think. and with the foldabilty of the harp the 24 inch harp is doable even if i live in an even smaller place.  Sans a bunch of stuff we are already starting to get rid of ...LOL  it is amazing how much junk one amasses in 20 odd years. However, my new loom is not on the to DEPART WITH list !!  

Patty P

Hi Everyone, I am new to weaving and just got a Kromski Harp 32".  I would appreciate any recommendations on what to use to wind my warp, I seen that some use bamboo blinds.  Please help
