Hello all!
As much as I love the idea of making all of my loom pieces from scratch, I've found it hard to cut/shape a decent sword beater. I'm sure I'll have a go at making one myself in time, once I'm in the same place as my tools and I have enough time to spare! In the meantime does anyone know of a place online from which really nice ones can be bought?
The same goes for a rigid heddle, my very early attempts at weaving were done using a cardboard rigid heddle I made that was surprisingly effective! Needless to say that after a few basic bands it disintegrated and I discovered continuous string heddles, which I've been using ever since. I'd love to try some more advanced stuff with a rigid heddle, but I can't see myself being able to make one of those myself! Any thoughts on makers/sellers? Do they come up on eBay from time to time?
Also, as a side note, would using a rigid heddle improve the chances of a loose, thick yarn NOT sticking together?? I'm only guessing that perhaps the extra distance that the R/H seems to pull the shed open might help with the stickiness issue... This 4-ply cotton I have is fantastic to work with but it's hard to get hold of and expensive here in the UK. I still have to try spinning the loose knitting wools more tightly with my drop spindle, can anyone confirm that this technique is effective in reducing stickiness?
Sorry for the rambling post!
Thanks in advance!!