

Your scarves are very nice and will be well appreciated by the recipients. I like the pattern, the white stripe accents the colors nicely.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Update 12/03/2011 I'm done!  :-)  Completed the finishing process about 1:30 this morning. I did miscalculate how much weft I would need; the 2nd scarf is 15 inches shorter than I wanted. Oops! Math was never my best subject. But it's ok; there are circumstances when a shorter scarf is desirable. I dropped by Odd Balls Yarn Shop this afternoon with them and Verla, another local weaver (with vastly more experience than I) was there, so I got some critiquing too. She said my selvedges were great! (Yay, because I thought my selvedges were crap). I also got some good advise about refurbishing my loom and my beating technique ( I didn't know you were supposed to alternate arms, and my right shoulder was really starting to complain about halfway through the 2nd scarf).  Oh- I got my first boat shuttle last night, too! 

Update 11/30/2011: I finished weaving the first scarf, resisted the mighty urge to cut it off the loom and tie on again to weave the next one, and got 21 inches woven onto scarf # 2 today! On # 2 I am varying the treadling, switching directions every 12th pick and I'm doing rosepath "headers" up by the fringe allowance.

Am making two scarves to be given to people who need them by a gentleman who does a street ministry. This was an expiriment with offset twill but my pattern breaks all occured in the cream stripes so... ithey're invisible! lol. 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit