Tropical storm Irma tried to blow us away but we are still here. Lots of tree branches down. Cheryl did lose one of her large gold fish. A number of oak tree branches fell into the fish pond. We were out of power for 5 days but used a small standby generator to keep 2 freezers and a refrigerator going. Our county was hit pretty hard with a lot of very old large trees down. Like Tim in the local hardware store told me, “No one had a chainsaw with a six foot bar to cut them up”.   

I was on the road today for nine hours picking up a new order of eye heddles. A trucking company wanted to charge me $350 to bring them to me and I figured it was cheaper for me to go after them. So I have in stock, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5 and 12.5 eye heddles. Now the bad news is the prices is going up $2 per hundred. I will still have the best quality at the lowest price. Macomber charges $28 per 100. Yarn Barn charges some crazy prices: 9.5 inch Schacht eye heddles $29 per 100, HD 10.5 inch eye heddles $60 per 200, Leclerc 9.5 eye heddles $19.50 per 100, 10.5, $20 per 100 and 12.5 $20.50 per 100.

My pricing is simple any size heddle up to 500 is $18 per 100, 500 to 999 $17 per 100 and over a 1,000 is $16 per 100. The new price taking effect on the first of October will be $2 more across the board.

 A 10.5 inch eye heddle fits a HD loom, a Leclerc loom, a Newcomb loom and a few others. So why charge $30 per 100 on a 10.5 eye heddle for a HD loom. You can ask the hundreds of people (we have 3 HD looms) that have purchased my 10.5 inch eye heddles they fit the HD looms like they were made for it.