I have found a crackle weave pattern I would like to try, my question is regarding the tabby pick: Do I throw one shot of pattern, then tabby, pattern, tabby? Also can I use the same thread as the weft or warp as my tabby? Any help would be welcome. Thanks



I've been investigating crackle recently, including a warp of sample treadling.  I also read Susan Wilson's book all about crackle.  Its a very complicated structure, with no firm rules about tabby and pattern weft.

I think traditional crackle, there is a heavier pattern weft, and a tabby weft with a grist similar to the warp.  I wove a couple samples like this, and they turned out very nice (floats max 3 thread!).  There is also polychrome, where you have three different wefts; this one turns out very busy, complex, and is a PITA to weave (or at least for me).

I am about to start an 8-shaft crackle from Strickler's 8-shaft pattern book (#499); for this I hope to successfully use the same thread as tabby and pattern.

Perhaps if you showed us a picture of your planned project, we might be able to give you more detailed assistance.  And of course, sampling is always the correct answer to almost any weaving question.

Let us know how it goes.

Valerie Green

 The pattern you are getting ready to start is the same one I am getting ready to try! Thank you for the info, I now feel better about giving it a try.