Hello! I am a novice weaver. I took a class a couple years ago and loved it, but was not able to afford a loom myself. Recently, a loom was passed down to me from a friend of the family who passed away. It is different than the floor loom I learned on, and has no markings. I am determined to learn about it and make it work. I think it may be a counterbalance or countermarch, but I'm not really sure of the difference between the two.

When the loom was moved from it's original owner's home, it was taken apart and put back together "exactly" as it was before. I know there were mistakes made because it is currently a MESS. My first objective is to identify it so I can figure out how to properly put it back together for use.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I apologize for the pictures being sideways/upside down and different sizes. This website is very difficult to use and archaic in design. I attempted to upload them all the same, and this happened. Hopefully you can tell what's going on there.




It doesn't look that much of a mess to me, it isn't tied up, so everything is a little slack and akimbo, but that will change.  Can you send a picture taken from the front so we can see what kind of loom it is?  I see one set of lams, hinged from both the left and right, which is unusual.  That would make it either a jack or counterbalance, a countermarche would have upper and lower lamms. 

mrdubyah (not verified)

I'm thinking 4 frame 6 treddle jack loom.  Those lams don't look to be hinged on both sides.  They just look askew.  There appear to be four draw cords running up the outside of the castle to lift the frames.  Is there any name or maker's mark on it anywhere?

Deirdre King

It looks like a J-Made table loom that is on the stand with treadles.  Dale Johnson made a lot of very wide table looms, and you could buy the stand kit to make them floor looms.


Hi folks--i'm a new weaver about to plain-weave scarves for holiday gifts with sock yarn (16  epi) warp and alpaca (8 epi) weft.  I have an 8-dent reed. Any advice for me as to sett? Shrinkage allowance percent? Take up allowance percent?