As October draws near we need voluteers to lead Halloweave Houses. We need heads of house for each house.  Now is a good time to think about what weaving fear you want to face dyrung Halloweave. Chances are there are others who want to tackle the same fear. We woukd like to announce Houses at the beginning of Sept. So users have time to join their house and start planning.



I am most afraid of sewing pieces together. What if the pieces do not match? Or, the seams are lumpy? It could end up looking like Dr. Frankenstein's monster. Is that the type of thing you mean? If so, what would I need to do to help with Halloweave?

Erica J

That is exactly what we are talking about. We just ask that leaders come up with a team name, let people know about the group, and encourage discussion during the month. It would be good if you can find some resources to suggest.

Daryl Lancaster's blog and class would be good places to start. :)