Trying to gauge interest in a Charlotte NC Guild and also Studio/Location for learning to weave.  Please contact me if you are the area and wish to participate in an offshoot or new Guild.  I am a weaver and teacher, I have 6 floor looms, and a complete set up for teaching, I also have an AVL, Drawloom and Countermarch for use.

It seems that there is a great deal of activity in the Asheville area, the local guilds are a little too far for those in the Central or North Charlotte area.

Hope to hear from some weavers soon!




kate.foreman.suko (not verified)

There is a fiber guild in the area,  A couple of people I knew were very active, but I have not kept up with either the guild or the people. 

I have a small weaving business and offer my items at the Matthews Community Farmers Market.  Asheville has a weaving program - Haywood?  - which attracts and retains weavers. 

Bskets of Yarn on Central Avenue has rigid-heddle weaving classes, and YarnHouse may offer classes, too.

Have you been to the river park in Greenville, SC?  There's an area that rents space to artisans who then staff the shop a certain number of hours.  Is that something along the lines of what you're thinking of?  


Dawn McCarthy

Thank you Kate for the info! 
