Hello everyone a gentlemen just posted to our Facebook page that he has a table loom for sale (owned by his wife who did not end up using it). He's asking $250 and will send photos to interested parties. No mention of maker, etc. See the entire message here https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153853498318353&id=102227298352

I am just posting this here on his behalf.

Thank you,



janmarie (not verified)

**AVL END FEED SHUTTLE with 2 pirns, instructions and adjustment tools**    11" long, Excellent condition. No mars or scratches. Marked 3/99 AVL 240 on bottom. Asking $60 + shipping from Minneapolis.

 **2 STICK SHUTTLES** appear to be oak, 28" L X 2" W. Good condition, with a smooth finish.  Asking $10 each, or $18 for both, plus shipping.

 **VINTAGE END FEED SHUTTLE** Not marked, but appears to be an Ahrens &Violette (AVL) model. 15" length. No metal tips. With Plate tensioning system.  4 wood and metal pirns.  Wood restored with a light oil finish. Asking  $25 or Best Offer.  Plus shipping.

 **VINTAGE FLY SHUTTLE** 15" Not marked, but appears to be an Ahrens &Violette (AVL) model. Metal tips. With Plate tensioning system.  5 wood pirns. Wood restored with a light oil finish.  Asking $25 or Best Offer.  Plus shipping.

 Please PM with questions and requests for photos! Prefer Paypal please.



Does the AVL end feed shuttle have the Honex tensioner?