I'm so excited! Several years ago I decided to branch out from the rigid heddle world and bought a Mighty Wolf. I struggled and struggled with it and finally gave up. I was so discouraged and certain I would never try that type of weaving again that I gave away hundreds of dollars of books and magazines including the complete collection of Weaver's Craft.  I'm certainly regretting that now. Since then I've been having fun on my rigid heddles. Recently I found my courage and purchased a used Kessenich 4 shaft table loom.  It's supposed to come next Tuesday and I'd like to start weaving right away. But I'm confused about what type of yarn to use.

The loom comes with a 15 dent reed. what size of yarn is best to use with that? I have some 8/2  unmercerized cotton. Would that work? I hate to order any thing because my stash, which was acquired primarily for knitting, is rather ridiculous. But I will if necessary.  Could I use yarn that has a sett of 7 or 8 and just slay every other space? I don't want to order any new reeds until I can measure the one I'll have. The loom was manufactured in the 1960s and it's possible dimensions have changed since then.

Advice anyone?