Does anyone know of any job opportunities in this field of weaving and looms?

Are there any places available for volunteers?  I am considering weaving full time.

Any recommendations, insight is most appreciated.



Hazel Fyrebird

Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia,  and Genesee Country Village in New York are two historical sites I know of that have weaving demonstrations and always are looking for volunteers. Now how much overlap there is of needing volunteers for weaving specifically,  I can't say. 


There is also Skansen, Stockholm, Sweden (depending on where you are located, of course)


 Seach for small and large yarn shops in your area for work. It would not be as a weaver, but you would learn so many things.

Schools and Museums may allow you to do a demo as a volunteer.


The updated information was a little helpful and I was able to join a Guild in my local area and now I am on my way to workshops, etc.  I have signed up for an exhibit at our State Fair this year.  It will be my first and I am slated to learn how to use the floor loom vs the rigid heddle as the Fair Exhibit is for floor loom weaving.