I am restoring a 40+ year old Toika Liisa and was wondering if anyone has removed the cloth aprons and replaced them with heavy beam cord by drilling holes into the beams.  If so how many cords did you install and how far apart are they?

Thanks for any advice!


Michael White

to the warp beam. Drilling into the beam is not required. If you have a raddle great if not I will address this as well. The fastest way to do this is to use small wire staples or carpet tacks. Tie the raddle as close to the heddles frames as you can get it. We are going to use one long cord. Measure the warp beam and mark the center and two inches on either side of the center until you have done the width of the beam. Now starting from either the right or left side tack the end of the string to the beam and bring the string up to the raddle and take a turn around it and down to the next mark on the beam and tack this in place then back up to the raddle using a two inch spacing. Keeping working until you get to the end of the warp beam. You can also do the cloth beam the same way. Now if you don't have a raddle put small finishing nails in a board two inches apart and use this like the raddle above. Forgot remove the raddle when you are done.

I hope this has answered all your questions,



thistle rose weaving

Thank you Michael for your reply to my question.  Think I am going to use the same spacing to add the cords that my Glimakra Standard has which means I should have a bit bigger spacing between the holes/tacks.  Still pondering about drilling or tacking the cords down.