Hi, I'm relatively new to the world of weaving but am in love. I've warped my 48" Macomber B4D a half dozen times now and finally seem to not be making mistakes at each turn. Whew. That said, I've been warping her Back to Front since it seems with the ability to fold down that front beam that that's what was intended for her. However, this last time, I couldn't help but wonder if that was a naive assumption on my part.

Please, if anyone has a moment, could you explain which method you prefer and perhaps a bit on why. I'd so appreciate it. I got the DVD Warping Your Loom since it says it describes both, however upon watching it most of the time is spent describing F-to-B and then there's hasty "ok, do the opposite" quickie at the end to get you started on B-to-F. Thanks!