Big news!  I'm announcing our new Cotton Clouds' Coloring Contest for Weavers with full details in our upcoming (March 17, 2011) E-newsletter. 

Click Here to sign up for this great e-newsletter.  If you love cotton, you'll love all the helpful hints and tips, sales, specials and new product announcements. 

Plus, just by opening the e-newsletter, you will be eligible to win our $25 Gift Certificate. It's just that easy!

Our readers love getting this e-newsletter update.  I think you might as well.

More information about the COLORING Contest for Weavers is posted on the weaving forum. Check it out!

Irene Schmoller


JuliaT (not verified)

This is my start to finish photos of my Coloring Contest Scarf.  It is a Mock Waffle Weave pattern from the Weaver's Idea Book and works perfectly with the three alternating colors I have. I'm using a string heddle for the pattern.


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Congrats on your entry.  Hope yours is a winner.


JuliaT (not verified)

There were only two entrants in this contest, so they were awarded Honorable Mentions...mine was one of the two. :-) 

Thank you for the Congrats...