Hey folks,

Impatient Jones here! :)

I'm so close to having my first drawloom warp set up. We have moved twice since I bought the drawloom attachment, a different set of movers each time. Anyway my question is does the Myrhed Shaft Draw system come with pattern shaft support bars? If so would someone kindly post a pic so we can find them? I'm sure I'm supposed to have two support bars, but it seems the movers have lumped those two bits in with all the workshop wood. A photo would really help Oliver find this needle in the haystack! :)

Thanks a mil,



Joanne Hall

Hi Erica,

They are 3/4 in by 1.5 in and 24.5 inches long.  There is a hole drilled in each end.  So, yes, they look very ordinary. 

But if you cannot find them, just make them.  They hang horizontally, going front to back, with the 3/4 inch surface on the top.  The holes are drilled vertically through the 1.5 inch measurement, very near the end.  They are made of birch, but any wood would work.  And the measurements are not critical since they do not fit into anything.  They hang freely.

Erica J

This helps tremendously! At least we know we are looking for the right thing!