It looks as though it has been a little while since there were any new postings in this group, but the ones I did read were interesting. I could not find a welcome group, which may be entirely my own shortcoming but, since I have recently ordered a Kromski RH I thought I would introduce myself. I have done just about everything with fiber. I knit, crochet, spin, tat, sew and make bobbin lace. I have always been fascinated with weaving and now I will be learning a new art. I love learning and how exciting and humbling it can be. I am a novelist and many of my characters love their handcrafts. Learning weaving may just bring a new character to life. Great site BTW!



I'm also a new weaver and the owner of a 24 in Kromski Harp.  But I'm already longing for a bigger, better loom.  What size did you get, and did you get the stand too?  I'm far from an expert but will be happy to help if I can.

Nanette Kinslow

I ordered a 24" Harp with a stand. It looks like it may be next week before I get them. I am very excited. I've been watching all the videos I can find and have ordered a couple of books. I have a Kromski Symphany wheel. I had stopped knitting up my handspun fiber. I'm hoping that a loom will be a new adventure with the yarn. From what I'm reading and watching this looks perfect for me. I'm looking for a way to create and let out my need to make things from fiber without the intense concentration and eye strain from tatting and bobbin lace. I also love learning a new creative skill. It's nice to 'meet' you! How long have you been weaving?

Nanette Kinslow

I ordered a 24" Harp with a stand. It looks like it may be next week before I get them. I am very excited. I've been watching all the videos I can find and have ordered a couple of books. I have a Kromski Symphany wheel. I had stopped knitting up my handspun fiber. I'm hoping that a loom will be a new adventure with the yarn. From what I'm reading and watching this looks perfect for me. I'm looking for a way to create and let out my need to make things from fiber without the intense concentration and eye strain from tatting and bobbin lace. I also love learning a new creative skill. It's nice to 'meet' you! How long have you been weaving?


I just got my loom in December so I don't have much experience. I've taken the two rigid heddle classes on and especially the first one (the basic one) was really helpful.  I was surprised though that the 10 dent heddle that comes with it can only accommodate fairly fine yarns, like sport weight.  If you want to use something of the thickness of worsted weight yarn, you will need the 8 dent.  I got the 8 and the 12 shortly after the loom as I was pretty limited in what I could use.  I'm impressed that you do so many different fiber arts.  I have crocheted for years and years (mostly thread crochet) and do a bit of tatting.  I've admired bobbin lace but never got into it.  By the way, on the harp, if you want more weaving space, you can move the heddle blocks to the back position.  I've never heard anyone say there was anything wrong with doing this and it seems to work for me.

Nanette Kinslow

I had already suspected I would want 8 and 12 dent heedles soon. I'm really trying to behave myself and not order all the toys before I even have got the loom itself. It's not easy but I'm trying very hard. I figured once I get a feel for a good yarn size, and have used a bunch of yarns from my stash, I could spin up some of the wool and alpaca I have before buying more heddles. What is really more likely is that I'll buy more yarn and the huddles too. What kind of things have you made on your loom and did you find any parts of learning especially challanging?

Nanette Kinslow

I had already suspected I would want 8 and 12 dent heedles soon. I'm really trying to behave myself and not order all the toys before I even have got the loom itself. It's not easy but I'm trying very hard. I figured once I get a feel for a good yarn size, and have used a bunch of yarns from my stash, I could spin up some of the wool and alpaca I have before buying more heddles. What is really more likely is that I'll buy more yarn and the huddles too. What kind of things have you made on your loom and did you find any parts of learning especially challanging?


So far I'm on my third blanket although I'm having to make panels and join them together.  The biggest challenge is getting the selvedges neat and I still haven't mastered that yet.  So where I join the panels for the blanket, I'd had to crochet a decorative strip to go over the seam.  I'm not happy about having to do that but I don't like the look of the seams as is.   I want to make something out of crochet thread but haven't decided what yet.  But the blanket I'm working on now will need 4 panels and I'm just about done with the first so I have a ways to go.  When I watched various videos on warping methods, I decided the warping peg method was SO much easier than using a warping board and I swore I would never use anything but the direct method using the peg.  But I found when you have a wider project, the peg doesn't work as well so I tried the other method and found it's not so bad. Lately I've been having problems with my fell line being higher (closer to the  heddle) on the right and no matter what it do I can't get it even.  Sometimes I wonder if the loom is crooked!!  Let us know how it goes when you get your loom.

Ann A

I just finished threading 430 heddles with 10/3 cotton back to front on my 4-shaft table loom. I am a newbie and feel that I didn't do a very good job winding the warp. I am wondering if after I sley the reed I should pull the warp through to the front and then rewind it a second time with more even tension. Has anyone ever done this? Or should I just take my chances with it as is?

Ann A

I meant to make my rewinding the warp a new thread but it didn't work that way. I can seem to find where to find the place to do it. If anyone could clue me in, I would appreciate it. 

Nanette Kinslow

Raine, I'd be interested in seeing pictures, if you have them, of your joining method. I've thought about doing that myslef. I have a baby shower coming up for a freind in April and I would love to weave a blanket. Of course I want it to be WOW! I got my loom and I am going to post my adventures getting started later today. Thanks for the advice on warping methods. I was nervous about using the warping board myself and used the peg. It was an quite an experience!

Nanette Kinslow

Hi Ann. I have warped my loom once, so I really have no clue but, your idea sounds good to me. I warped on the peg and did have to wind and unwind the beam to get it snug and get the brown paper in between. They suggest you get a freind to help but since I was alone I had to snug it up myself . I can't imagine it would hurt to try.


I'm trying to make a decision about a new loom and will be very interested in hearing how you like your new rigid heddle.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Since starting this group, I had a chance to try a Schacht Flip loom and have since sold my Kromskis and bought 2 Schacht Flip (15 and 20") and 2 Cricket looms.  I love them all, the brakes are much better than the Kromski and I am now a complete convert.

I thought Kromski was the best but my experience has shown differently.  Try as many looms as you can but if you do not have that chance, buy the Schacht.
