I have these 2 wooden devices that came with my Varpa and these 8 wooden sticks that I think go with them.

Are they for converting the loom to Counterbalace? 

Does anyone in this group have these? I've always wondered what they were for. I purchased the loom used and the 

previous owner didn't know. Any info would be appreciated. 



Joanne Hall

You can read about using these parts here:


saffrondyeworks (not verified)

Thanks JoAnne I'll go read up on these. Would counterbalance be a plus for tapestry weaving on my Varpa? 

Joanne Hall

It would be a little faster, maybe easier, but if you just thread two shafts, either tie-up is easy.  But, if you have a narrow warp on a wide loom, the countermarch is better.


saffrondyeworks (not verified)

Thanks for the tips on a narrow warp on a wide loom. Maybe I'll try the counterbalance one day for fun and comparison. I've never woven on a counterbalance loom so it might be fun to try just for the experience of doing it. :)