I am a new weaver. I purchased an older Macomber loom in October. I love the loom and it works well with one possible exception. I am not sure if the brake is working properly. When I step on the brake release it is still somewhat dificult to advance the warp. There is not much movement when I step on the brake release lever, it goes down about 2 inches. Is this normal? When I first started using the loom I had difficulty with the brake slipping so tightened it significantly. Perhaps it is too tight? I loosened it a bit last night but that didn't seem to help much with the advancing issue. Or maybe I am not using the proper procedure to advance the warp? I release the sprocket and just roll the cloth beam back with my hands.


sequel (not verified)

Are you having trouble with a tension brake or a ratchet and pawl brake?  It makes a difference...


I assume it's whatever is standard on a 40" Macomber loom.  It has a metal cable that goes around a wheel in the back and connects to a metal bar. The wooden brake release pedal is attached to the metal bar by a chain. Is that a tension brake?

Michael White

First lets start with how you are advancing the cloth beam, "I release the sprocket and just roll the cloth beam back with my hands." On the right hand side of your cloth beam is there a handle hanging down? This is used to move the cloth beam.

You have a friction brake on your loom. You may have a drag cord also on the back beam. Sometimes the back beam will rub on the frame. We will check this in a min. the other thing is the way the cable wraps around the drum. Please see the picture.

Checking the brake movement. Release the brake and with your hand see if the brake moves freely. If it does not on check to see if you have a drag cord on the beam, see the picture. If the brake does not move freely let me know.


Drag cord on the back beam. If it is too tight the beam will not move.

Friction beam cable


Cloth beam handle


Thank you for the clear explanation. I use the cloth beam handle to take tension off the sprocket before moving it, but somehow hadn't thought about using it to advance... I do not have a drag cord. The back beam does move freely when I release the brake. I think the cable is wrapped properly, but will double check when I get home this evening.