This group is amazing. As a newbie, both to weaving and Weavolution, I signed up to all the groups that looked interesting. Today I have spent leaving some of these group because there has been no activity for ages, literally years. This group is not only active but an incredible resource. I have now been reading from first to last post, skimming mostly but reading every post in those relevant to me. You guys (used in the inclusive sense) are so supportive and supply information, really useful information, so readily. I see no signs of egos flashing etc, just people being knowledgeable and open with that knowledge, and staying that way even when their advice is ignored. I have found answers to questions that are only half formed in my mind or think too basic to post.

I simply want to say hello and thank you for being here, each and every one of you.




The multiple posts are an accident related to a computer glitch and not intended to be spam. If I could find a way to delete the extra messages I would. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.