2012 was a great year for the Georgia Yarn Company I sold a ton of yarn, maybe more. Users of UKI cotton got some great deals, a lot of weavers and machine knitters stocked up on the discontinued UKI yarns. There is still around 1200 pounds of UKI discontinued yarn in stock. So if you can use the colors left the price remains $10 pound. UKI is still having issues with keeping the regular yarns in stock and I am hoping they can get this issue resolved.

Silk sales were also good this past year. We had a few issues with the quality of some silk yarns. I have added a new supplier and dropped two. They didn't understand the concept that just because you purchase their goods that they are the only supplier. When every time you purchase from them they want to raise the price then it was time to cut them loose.

Linen sales were slow as I am still feeling my way through this field. Don't get me wrong I sold a lot of linen, some of which I had to wind onto tubes myself. In one case I shipped a kilos of 70/1 linen skeins to a lady to hand wind because my machine was just breaking this fine linen. After a lot of time looking I now can get 70/1 and finer linen on cones, yes. Getting plied linen on cones is still an issue which I am working on. I have on hand 10/1, 20/1 linen on cones at this time and some 2 ply linen in skeins.

Unmercerized cotton from India was a total loss. This supplier started out two years ago with high quality "color fast" cotton. The pass few orders had dye running everywhere. So I am going to sell off what stock I have left and drop this line.

I got some samples of 50/50 wool/silk at a great price and have posted it on my web site. I have not had any sales of this yarn so I will have to think hard about getting any for sale.

Going forward into 2013: I am restocking the colored 20/2 spun silk on 100 gram cones, I have ordered more silk to have on hand and I am working with a supplier in India to have small amounts of linen plied on cones.

I am sending this email to over 2000 people from all over the world. I need your help in getting out the word about the Georgia Yarn Company. I have been ask to do shows and to place advertising in mags like "Handwoven". Advertising and shows cost money, yes I know in my grow my business but I will have to pass the cost onto you. Then I become like the big guys selling over priced yarns. But I do need to grow my business. The more I purchase the lower my cost which I pass on to you. So it you have any ideas please email me.

PRICES: I have been told some of my silk prices will be going up and I will be lowing others. I will post the new prices as soon as I get the price changes from my suppliers.

I hope you all have a great year. Now if I could only figure out how to have peace in the world..........

Peace and love,


[email protected]


sally orgren

The site is free to all, and I have watched many weavers, teachers, and businesses use these forums to grow in all kinds of ways. I have seen lots of real-world, wonderful things happen which got started through this virtual network of weavers. 

Let's all be sure we continue to support the costs of providing this site, so the opportunities can continue for everyone. 

Michael White

I do support Weavolution and Ravelry with prizes and donations. And some guild newsletters by posting ads