Hi I am a new weaver with big ambitions and a lot of passion. Unfortunately so far I have purchased a large item in cost and size and I am lacking the knowlege of how to fix it to get weaving on it. The loom is by Le Clerc possibly a Colonial. It is 60"wide with a sectional warping beam -   I recently warped it as a plain beam after destroying two expensive linen warps. The loom was modified to semi automatic by using an air compressor, solanoids, use of printer parallel port and a DOS computer program by David Thorpe NZ (now deceased). I am missing the right 25 point plugs that go from the loom controllor to the printer/computer thus can't simply start to use it in the semi automatic way I purchased it. Before the neighbours and my family have been evicted for noise pollution, I would need to build a soundproof box for the air compressor in any case.

The previous owner had a bad back thus the change to semi- automatic and when it was changed DOS was all there was.  . The previous owner is now elderly, unwell, interstate and I don't want to trouble him. I wanted to use the loom manually at present but the treadles and lams have been removed. I've made some treadles not such an issue but given the shaft lifting goes up via the loom controllor box, I don't know how to buy the right lams (I am in Australia) and would have to import from USA- freight expensive and they may notentail simply  replacing what I assume is the Colonial original - Is there a simple way of making them, readjusting the shaft control? It is a jack loom. I would be most appreciate of any help or suggestions to investigate. I have more photos if needed.  Thanks in anticipation Rosslyn Lyall