Hello all.  I need to add more heddles and need to know if I can use a combination of Texsolv and string heddles.  If this is possible, can the two types be put on the same frame or should they be on their own frame?  Lastly, would it be better to just put all Texsolv heddles on?  I have an older Cranbrook CM 4 harness loom.

Thank you for your wisdom,




Go all Texsolv, save a lot of aggrivation. The string heddles will stretch more than Texsolv, so you may not have an even shed.


I have mixed heddles, string and texsolve on my 8 shaft cranbrook, it is an older Cranbrook, not the bexall but close to that time period.  

Using the lazy weaver mentality my string heddles are on the front 6 shafts  (so I did not have to move them) and my texsolve are on the left and right of my string heddles in the middle on shafts 7 & 8.  My working theory is I know where they are, I know to watch for any shed problems, none so far.  If you wanted to be a bit more thoughtful than me, just put them on one or two shafts.  That way if there is some uneveness in your shed you can adjust the shaft lift to compensate for the difference.

That said, I have not had a problem with stretching or uneven shed floors.  regards  Deb Mc