Hello everyone!

Ok without looking back through the notes this is what I remember we did last year:

Solicit donations from Advertisers- Erica (there are many Weavo members who also make tooks, etc, should I also contact some of them for possible prize donations as well?) We used form stack for this, but I'll need a reminder how that worked.

Prize Bank

E-mail Guilds to announce the event (Can we reuse/refresh this e-mail so as to avoid reinventing the wheel? If so let's look at the database and see if we need to add anyone, then I'll merge the e-mails and send)

Announce Halloweave on FB, Twitter, E-mail lists

Find Team Leaders and form groups

Tech aspects of forming groups and adding Halloweave 2012 Project Functionality

I know I'm forgetting a lot, so please remind me. Please also let me know what you would like to help with this year. I'm really looking forward to this great event!

