bolivian-warmi went from weaving and teaching on a back strap to weaving on a Macomber. Here is what she had to say.

Not my usual thing! I wove this on my friend Pam's Macomber loom at her place in Massachusetts as I needed a long, wool warp-faced band with little time in which to weave it. I used the band in the tubular band workshops that I taught last weekend at Pam's Firewatch Weavers Studio. I used Harrisville Sheltand wool from Pam's stash and she helped with setting it all up and I wove away having a lot of fun on the big loom although I have to say that i feel much more comfortable sitting on the floor! (loom bench needed a cushion). I loved the way this band turned out. It felt wonderful. I couldn't get in as may picks per inch as I believe I could have if I had woven it on my backstrap loom but I think that that is part of the reason I like the way this band feels.

Both pictures used with permission.
