i found this gem at a yard sale today for $10.  from looking at photographs of other structo looms i feel like something is missing though.  any suggestions on what that missing piece is and where i can find it?  i've never used a loom before so i could use all the help you want to give :)


sarahnopp (not verified)

Nice find!

You appear to be missing a beater and reed. That would be showing in the first photo. The beater pivots back and forth, and holds the reed in place, and presses the weft into place.

This randomly slected image from the internet shows what I mean.

I recommend you go back and ask if that piece is somewhere lurking around. Maybe print out that photo, or other photos. The beater is the most important part to locate, as replacement reeds can be purchased online.

To get a better idea, I recommend going to Youtube and seraching "how a loom works".

Your profile doesn't say where you are from, so I can give you a recommendation of a guild from your are so you can find real live people to help you get started. But there are a few threads to look through when you have time. And there are guilds and groups all over the place, just hidden out of sight, and I hope you can find one nearby.


thanks sarahnopp!  i live in san diego, california.

think i could buy a used beater?  the guy selling the loom did mention that some part is missing but he didn't know what it was. maybe that's why it was only $10!

sarahnopp (not verified)

I kind of doubt it... beaters are made to fit those dimensions. At least, I wouldn't be able to replace it if I was looking in my area of the PacNW. Perhaps someone else on Weavo would how some idea. This is a great place for finding out all sorts of tidbits of information.

Here is a link to some groups in your area: http://fiberarts.org/directories/guilds/California.