Hello Everyone,

I'm a new weaver and am learning on the loom I purchased a few months ao, a 40" Murphy loom apparently from the 1940's or 1950's. There's a tag on the castle that indicates it was made in Seattle by Mr. Murphy but except for a few photos online I've been able to find virtually no information on these looms. While I don't really need to know how to operate it, it pretty straight-forward, I would very much like to know the history behind the Murphy looms and if an instruction or setup manual and/or a catalog were in someone's possession, I would ove to get a copy.

What I have been able to gather from the alpha-numeric phione number is that it was likely built before 1958 as that's when Seattle changed to an all numeric phone numbers, though perhaps Murphy had a lot of older tags in stock. Also, a street view map search shows a residential house in a residential neighborhood with the house obviously old enough to have been the one there in the 50's at least. I gather from that the looms may have been custom made in a reasonably sized home business workshop or perhaps elsewhere with the address merely being his contact point.

If anyone can help me out with information, documentation, or photos I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.


Milford, NJ



Hopefully there are others here who are familiar with these looms. However, a picture might help us help you.

Best wishes,
