I am sleying a warp from Handwoven Jan/Feb 2012 (tie-up B), Reach for the Stars color and weave - the Pinwheels. I am about 1/2 way finished and one of my  light colors has only 7 warp threads instead of 8.  I have counted the rest of the warp and it is fine.  I missed one thread..huuuuuuhhhhhh.  What to do?  Can it be fixed?

Every mistake is a learning experience - right???

Heavy Hearted in Virginia,




Dena (not verified)

Mindy-You don't say if you're warping front to back or back to front.  If you're back to front and your warp is already around the back beam, you can always measure out your extra warp thread and hang it off the back in a weighted film canister (or pill bottle).  You can make a string heddle or use a repair heddle.  If you're warping front to back, it's a bit easier-you can just add the thread in right from the cone and beam it with everything else.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I'm Warping front to back and have not beamed it yet, so I can just sley it from the cone and then beam it on with the rest of my warp, right?

Not the disaster I thought!



Dena (not verified)

Really simple and (I believe) we've all done it. I think that learning to weave is about making lots of mistakes and figuring them out one by one. I always congratulate my students when they make mistakes!

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

Worked like a charm! Easy peasy lemon squeasy! Thanks so much!
