Been working on this raddle. The spacing of 1/4" dowels, 4" long, is 1/2" on centre. I think there are 150 dowels, after 80 I stopped counting andI  was half way across. Just began those when it was quitting time.

The top section is removeable. It has a 5/16" wide by 1/2" deep slit in it that fits over the dowels. There will be a peg hole drilled in the ends of the raddle top and through the uprights. The top of the uprights has another hole and is to be rounded on the top end. I believe this is used to suspend the raddle from the loom frame overhead if desired. Also, a stand will be made which I'm thinking of bolting to the back of the loom.

This is what I got done today. I will need to sand the dowels thouroughly and the frame in between coats of shellac to make them less likely to snag the threads.




This is Worst's raddle from his book "Foot-Powered Looms". His book suggested to make a stand so I added cradles to the ends as shown in his book.

All that is left to do is put the finish on.


Enjoy :)

Sara von Tresckow

For weaving it is important to know the spacing of the sections so the weaver can calculate how many threads to fit in each section. The section can be any measurement you like, however less than 2cm (about 3/4") or so, the dowels begin to cramp the space available. More than 2" is also not recommended.

Commercial raddles are sold by the space that each section will cover on the warp beam. I have been using a 2cm raddle for over 30 years and it has served me well - not to close and not too wide. I beam with a 2-thread cross and simply count groups of 4 threads into the raddle sections.

Also, in use - it is less easy to have tangled threads if the raddle preceeds the lease sticks on the way to the warp beam.


The bouts of 4 - two ply wool warp I intend to use look to be accomodated in the dents between the pegs, but will be the full width of the spaces. And of course finer acrylic, polyester or cotton will fit with all kinds of room.

I'm new to this field, so I'm always picking up information. And just enough stubbornness to try anything for myself. Plus I have faith in those old timers who loomed long ago. :)