I'm creating some new topics that I hope can be used to help organize the information posted in this group.  If we reply to the first post in a topic (or, if elaborating on a particular subthread, to the relevant post), and try to avoid creating duplicate topics, I think we can keep related information together so it will be easy to look up later.  This thread will be about conferences scheduled in a particular year, with information about the DATE; NAME of the conference; the SPONSORing organization; HOSTing guild; LOCATION including venue, city, state; FORMAT of the conference (ex. "full-day or multiday preconference classes; short seminars of x minutes and superseminars  of x+n minutes during the conference itself"); CONTACT information; and anything else that is important or helpful (approximate number of teachers, students and attendees; whether or not there are vendors, a fashion show, guild displays, exhibits, goodie bags).

It's probably better if someone who can speak for an organization enters the initial post, because I think the original poster is allowed to edit the post, but other people cannot.