For the project I'm doing now, I need to sley my 8-dent reed using 2-2-1.  Well, as I was tying on I noticed that one section is 2-2-2-1 instead of 2-2-1.

Will this make a difference?  My feeling is it won't be noticed, but I haven't been weaving long enough to be sure about that. 

Has anyone else made this mistake?  Did you resley or just keep on going?  I'm tempted to just keep on going.



SallyE (not verified)

The difference is 13.33 threads per inch vs. 14 threads per inch.  So whether you will see that or not depends on the thread you are using.   Try wrapping your warp thread around a ruller at those two densities and you will see whether it makes a difference or not.  

Also, it depends on whether you have a requirement to produce a certain width fabric or not.   With the given number of warp threads that you originally wound, you are going to get a little bit more narrow warp.   For example, if you wound 133 ends, that would have been 10 inches, but now it will be 9.5 inches.   Does that make a difference to you?   Of course you can still control this by not allowing as much "pull in" as you weave.



Jen Brown (not verified)

Thanks Sally.

I decided to go ahead and not bother correcting the mistake.  I only did it in one dent and then went back to 2-2-1.  So it didn't really have an a big impact on the width.