I know this is a busy time for many people, two teachers have already told me they are on sebbatical for a while. For those who are planning to teach on Weavolution this "term" please feel free to send us your new class offerings. The calendar is fairly open at this point.

I'd also like to share that I recently attended several weaving events here in the UK. I met many UK Weavolution members. A common theme in our discussions were having more Euro friendly timed classes. Please know that you are all well known amoung European weavers and your classes are sought after here. I know it is difficult to schedule across several time zones, but please consider offering classes that would be evening classes here.

Thank you again for your time and contributions to Weavolution,

Erica & Oliver


Erica J

I got an e-mail stating that the comment fuction wasn't working, so I'm testing it. Thanks, Erica