Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

 2/21/09 - New to me loom “Deanie” arrived

2/24/09 - Wound 1/2 of the warp – 3 different colors from my stash of approximately 5/2s cotton. Began to set loom up by moving heddles to back 4 shafts. The previous owner (Deanie) had only used the front 4 shafts.

2/25/09 - Wound 2nd half of warp – 400 ends for 20epi – 20” width on loom

2/26/09 - Threaded the warp through the reed (2 per dent in a 10 dent reed) so that I could warp the loom – front to back

2/28/09 - Threaded the loom in a reverse twill threading (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2) –

2/28/09 - Wound the warp on the loom with a corrugated paper on the back cloth beam to separate the layers.

3/1/09 - Begin weaving dish towel.

3/2/09 - Finished weaving dish towel. Concerned with the long floats on the back. Not real excited with it I don’t really like the color– but it’s my first project and the texture will certainly be help it be a good dish towel. Cut it off the loom. Sewed the ends with a multi-stitch zigzag. Washed in warm water and soap. Rinsed in cold. Hung to dry. In evening hand-stitched the hems.

3/3/09 - Started the 2nd weaving – yardage for a summer top. Change the treadling and changed the weft to a variegated 5/2s cotton of the same colors of the warp plus dark green, teal and magenta. I LOVE IT!

3/4/09 - Still weaving yardage – finished 1 yd

3/5/09 - Still weaving yardage – finished over 2 yds.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit