Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This was a stash buster I wanted to wear to the NY Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. As a stash buster, I was determined to "use what I had"... I love the colors. But the yarn...Oy!  The variegated yarn from a well known and popular dyer was absolutely wrong for this project. It was a hard lesson in making the right yarn choices no matter what! Broken warp threads, mostly. But, I persevered. I don't even want to say the dyer name...would hate for her to get a bad rep off my poor choice of utilization.

Woven in doubleweave then connected for a V-shawl utilizing the warp of one layer as the weft in the other layer. Sadly, again due to my poor choice of yarns... I had a lot of mistakes ( especially on the lower layer ).  

I will be finishing it up as best I can, planning on doing a light felting & brushing... Then I am going to rock this at Rhinebeck.  Be kind if you see me there...squint so you can't see all the unintended floats. Really, if you squint, it's quite a handsome piece. But is it one that I am "proud" of...certainly not!

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit