
Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Beautiful work - your colors are great, I love the way you chose to do the handpainting - different than I've seen before.  You wound the warp and then painted - while on the warping board?  Took it off and laid it on a table to paint?  While on the loom?  Just wondering how people do this...something I'd like to try when I can make the time.

Becky (not verified)

I wound on the warping board, removed and painted on a table. I did this in a class. I had handpainted yarn for knitting before, but not for weaving. The instructor (Linda Hartshorn) had us use a thickened dye that kept the dye from too much mixing between colors. It was great for getting what was painted with no bleeding over.


What pattern do you use to get this awesome result? I love to dye for knitting too and have been tinkering with this idea as well. Super awesome job!

Becky (not verified)

The warp was dyed. The weft was thinner and a solid purple. It is plain tabby weave.


the purple throughout. I am still newish at weaving and haven't learned to read a lot of weaving just yet. This appeals to me on many levels. Very beautiful work and very tidy as well!

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