
SallyE (not verified)

Here is a photo of my inspiration for the above weaving.  The artist is G. Argy Rousseau.


wonderful - thank you for including your inspiration piece!

SallyE (not verified)

Thank you for the kind words!  I've woven some more of the spider and will have to post a new picture in the next few days.


sally orgren

I hope you get a Halloweave Prize for this! Fantastic!!!

SallyE (not verified)

BTW, this is being done on the draw loom that I built from scratch over the summer.  The base is a Varpapuu loom, which I love.   The only holes I had to drill were 4 holes at the bottom of the back vertical pieces - to attach the extension.


SallyE (not verified)

I finished this spider today!   Although it's finished, it won't be coming off the loom until I do a few more of them in different colors.  BTW, this is the back side.  I won't be able to photograph the right side until it comes off the loom.

r1mein54 (not verified)

Looks like this could be the "front" as well to me. 

SallyE (not verified)

Well, it would be reversible if it weren't for the borders and background.   The black borders, which you can't see well in these pictures, don't show the satin on the back because all the majority of the weft is on the front.  

Since this is an 8 shaft satin, all of the floats are 7.   Well, except for the patten blocks of course!


SallyE (not verified)

Thank you Gailc.   And may the goblins be good to you!


SallyE (not verified)

So, after finishing up the version in coral / pink, I made a few loom upgrades and started working on a version in jade green.   Wow, does it go fast when you have the pattern saved!

But I'm wondering, what colors do all of you think I should try?   I want to make at least 6 of these in different colors since I put all that work into making the pattern saving lashes. 

Also, another question.   Is there any way to, say, make the flowers and leaves a different color than the rest?   Or am I trying to make my draw loom be more like a tapestry loom?


Yes, you can make the flowers a different colour by using a polychrome damask technique. You raise the shafts for one colour first and weave your 8 rows. Then raise for the next colour and weave 8 rows.  This means 16 wefts for just 2 colours.  The back will look like a Monet painting, the front will have coloured flowers. You thought the monochrome spider took a long time???  Have fun!

SallyE (not verified)

So, given that my blocks have 8 weft picks, doesn't that make each of the blocks twice as "tall," or should I do 4 picks of one color and then 4 of another?  

Also, I was hoping to use the design as is, but fill in the insides of the flowers with another color, for example.   Is there anyway to do that?   I don't mind big floats on the back given these will probably be wall hangings anyway.

And while I'm asking, is there anyway to make these with the damask weave all on the same side, just in different colors?   I'm thinking of something like a double weave pickup, but using the draw loom for the pickup.  Or would that require a different warp with threads of alternating color, and perhaps a different tie-up also?




the green one! The extra color really pops!


Gorgeous work, beautiful design, SallyE! Can't help with draw loom questions however in your notes above you mentioned experimenting with gold thread inside the outline of the spider, would love to see that! Have fun with this wonderful work!


Sorry, the green has gold in it! Nice!
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

The warp is 5/2 cotton, the weft is 10/2 cotton.   This is an eight harness satin weave, done on my draw loom with drall pulleys.  The design is 163  (4 thread unit) blocks wide.  This pattern is being done with the pattern saving lashes, so progress is slow.   But, I should be able to do several more copies much more quickly once I'm done.   The design is 117 blocks tall.   Between picking and saving each pattern (block) row, it takes 10 - 15 minutes per block row, which is 8 shots.   Of course the weaving of it is the least of that time!

This pattern was inspired by a Pate de Verre glass casting, done by my favorite artist, Argy Rousseau.   I'll dig up the picture and post it below.  The curved elements on the right of the design are the Ansii 8 bit codes for the word "weave," read from top to bottom.   So, the code for "w" is "01010111" for example.  This is a little joke for me because I spent the first 30 years of my career working with the most modern computers of the time, and am now spending my time with the oldest "computers" of the past.  

Some of you already know this, but for those who don't, the cards that controlled the original Jacquard type looms, before the days of computers, were the inspiration for the original Hollerith computer punch cards.  These cards were first used to tabulate the US census.

Nov. 9, 2012 update:

I just added a picture of the spider in green, and again, this is the back side.  I've been experimenting with adding some other color, and used a gold thread for the inside outline of the spider body.    I think I'm going to do the next one using what is normally the back as the front, and filling in the outline of the flowers with a different color.


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit