

You and the wife make a good team. Very well done. :)

lkautio (not verified)

Nice job!

Laurie Autio


great job matching the plaid on the front overlap!

r1mein54 (not verified)

Thanks all.  ReedGuy, she help with telling me how to use her machine - I did all of the work including the hand sewing on the inside lining.


Well that's great to. I plan on trying my hand at sewing and tayloring this winter. :)

Leslie M (not verified)

Very nice ! Fronts match so your weaving must be perfect and you made buttonholes!!, lots of them! You're a brave soul!

r1mein54 (not verified)

Sally, let me know the next time you are in North Florida. I refuse to fly since DHS and TSA made all of us citizens suspects and I can`t afford long driving trips anymore. If I get a chance to go to Scotland I will do what is required at the airports.


From dyed, woven, tailored, it's a beautiful vest!

repweaver (not verified)

This is nice on a number of levels. I like that you were willing to learn to accomplish your goal. What a great partnership with your wife. It looks as if it was a lot of fun and the fine result speaks for itself. Congratulations!


r1mein54 (not verified)

@RepWeaver, yes - it was "new and different" starting it but became enjoyable finishing, somewhat the same way I had apprehension about making the kilt last year. I hope I can inspire others -  if I could do it, anyone with the same desire should be able to.

Maggie Carn (not verified)

Excellent weaving. Nice plaid work.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I still had a considerable quantity of 2 ply rayon that I bought from gailc, so I wanted to do another project. I got some more dye and colored up enough black, blue and green yardage to weave up a small bit. I still had lots of yellow left that I had used on the striped placemats. My wife had found this pattern on Ebay and it was time to make use of it. Only additional items to purchase was lining material, buttons, belt buckle, and iron on interfacing.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit