

I especially like the width control gadget. Neat! Your band turned out great.  Sharon

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

22 card threaded-in pattern found on  Used 8/4 carpet warp, since I have a number of spools that moved with me, but I dont have a rug loom anymore.  Purple cards were threaded Z, yellow cards threaded S.  Pattern is 4/4 repeats.  Used flinkhand's technique of starting with a different color thick yarn for a repeat to spread the warp, then switched to the weft yarn.  The thick yarn can be pulled out when finished.  Susan Foulkes has a video on YouTube showing a nice method of keeping track of the width using a piece of folded plastic (I used shelf liner from IKEA) that is marked with the width.  It slides along the band and my band is the most even one I've made.  Warp was 72" long, I was able to get 36" length woven, not counting any fringe.  I was able to weave to about 9" of then end, since there is no build-up of twist in a 4/4 repeat.  I used a backstrap and a band-lock, which gives excellent tension control, but I have to take frequent breaks to give my back a rest.  I think I'll see about weaving a complementary inkle band and possibly make a bag out of this.  

Number of Shafts
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit