
SallyE (not verified)

Looks like that old AVL is weaving very well!    How bad a shape was it in - what did you have to do to it?


Slipstream (not verified)

I am so sorry that I did no get back to you earlier. I had no idea there were messages here and while I have my details set to let me know whenever someone responds I didn't get a notice.  Like several looms I have this was given to me in a box and I put it back together. There is a fork on the side of the dobby box that advances the bars causing the various shafts to rise.  The fork was bent and so it was not engaging regularly.  I guess the previous owners got frustrated because it would mis-feed due to not advancing properly at random times.  I intially took the fork and flipped it and that took care of the problem on the forward stroke but if I wanted to reverse the feed it wojld again mis-feed.  I made a new fork for it and changed the angle of the tines so that they overhung the rods in the escapement mechanism more positively.  Other than that the loom is great.  I have pieces missing but the manual that came with it shows how they are made and I think I can fabricate replacements.  

The shuttle race was missing and someone had attempted to fabricate it but had no idea how it worked so the race is a bit too high and it is too short to accept the shuttle boxes on the existing race.  The beater had been modified and so I had a problem with the shed closing when the beater was in its back-most position but those really are minor problems.

I hope this helps. Happy New Year!

Regards, Charles

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This was a test of a lom that was discarded and incomplete which I rebuilt.  I met all the objectives I established for this test.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit