

Your stepmom is very fortunate to receive such a beautiful scarf.

B P (not verified)

...slide 3 of 5 made me laugh with amusement: that's exactly where my cup of tea sits on my loom when I'm weaving! (by the crib notes)

Thanks for posting these super pics. The scarf looks lovely, and the broken twill diamond pattern looks very interesting to weave.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Update 12.15.11- I finished the scarves last night! (I did another one for my mom also.) They turned out WAY better than the project 'a scarf for tanisha', because I took a lighter hand beating the weft in. They also became much longer because of that. :-)

12.10.11- I will be finishing the weaving portion of this scarf tonight. (I am determined and I don't care if I'm weaving at midnight or not!) It's been a fun draft to play with. 

I'm about halfway through Diane's scarf. (Sorry for no pics yet, Diane!) I wasn't sure the draft was going to work with my yarn choices but it's coming out well; It's a little elongated because of the bulky weft. I'm a little frustrated with the treadling; I just can't seem to establish a smooth rhythm, but that's ok- it's still going quickly. This is the first time I've utilized a floating selvedge and so far it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

12/7/11: Completed sleying and threading today. I'll have to look up the draft before I know what it's called- it's a broken twill at any rate. I plan to get at least 70 picks (that's the pattern repeat) woven tonight so I can see how it turns out and get some pictures on tomorrow! This is the most complicated threading- or treadling- I've ever attempted, but it was actually easy.  I just gave up trying to keep my place on the draft and wrote the threading sequence as 10 digit number sequences. Made my life a WHOLE lot simpler! The warp is black perle cotton; the weft is Lion Brand Amazing in Acadia. 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit