
Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Very nice -- thanks for posting these pictures.  I'm wondering whether the edging was sewn on as you wove, or after removal from the loom, or after wet finishing both towels and bands?




Hi Bonnie,

the rep-edges were also woven together with the towelfabric and not sewn on later. I wove only  a longer border to create the hanger later when I sew the towels


 This was the interesting part to combine  a draft like rep, wich shows the warp floats with a draft like rosepath wich shows the weft floats , or with balanced tabby.

Later, the long edges were sutured.

 I hope the pictures do explain better, what I have done.



These look great, I have the Winnie Poulsen towels with the repp border centered on the towels 'in line' here for my next project. But first I have to find time to finish the upholstry that's on there now!

winterraven (not verified)

These are very interesting.  I am weaving a version of the Winnie Poulsen towels right now and am enjoying it very much.  Thanks for sharing.  I'll try to upload photos when finished.

Kristina (not verified)

Hi Marie,

I have them already on my to- do-list . They were my first inspiration - and the tablecloth  of Winnie, wich were published later in Väv.

Kristina (not verified)

 How funny!

I´m looking forward on your project-photos.


Ellen (not verified)

That is great, Kristina. I have experimented, too, with various ways of making hanging tabs during the weaving process, and it is good to see new possibilities. They look lovely! And you have your own little label as well! I have just started using things like that, too. I'll post some soon.

Ruth weaves (not verified)

These are really lovely. I love the way the border is so well integrated into the towel.

It looks as if 2 weft picks go through the same shed in the rep border. And the sett is different in the border than in the main section. Is that right? I'm considering doing the same thing in my pin weaving. It's lovely to see such a clear example. Thanks!

Kristina (not verified)

 Yes Ellen , I have now some little labels with the title " handmade by Kristina Krenzer", so I can use them for knittings and weavings.


Ruth , you are right. I addet the draft to the project description. So you can see that always two wefts are going thru ( and depending on rosepath sometimes three wefts)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

  I was inspired by the idea to combine the  two different drafts Rep and Tabby/ Rosepath. And I wanted to weave the hangings for the towels in one step, by weaving the Repborder.

 For one Towel I used wet, handspun Linen.

The good thing of the repborder was, that I  had no need to use a temple.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit