
52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Mak'n draw'ns, lumber dry'n!!!!!!!!!!

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

This shows the 1" lumber ' band-milled ' locally & ready to be sticker/stacked for drying prior to use in our loom construction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alison (not verified)

More pictures please!  I want to see how the project is progressing.

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Sorry ALISON !!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer is so busy w/ fishing, grt/grd-kids, garden, yard, etc. that weaving things git-the-leftovers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We brought home some carob & eucalyptus wood from CA after visit to Bro's and also enjoyed ' weav'n-time ' @ Museum Weavers (www, where they have over 50 looms in their " over 4000 sq.ft. new-building ". It was part of the 'wind-fall' left from a storm, now drying-out hopefully ending up as new shuttles, as only had room in car-trunk for 2 @ 20" chunks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'll try to get some pics on here.

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Took some time to saw-up-some-slabs, but couldn't get pics here and put them on our " flickr " as OZARK WEAVERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

This is what the CHERRYWOOD looks-like in a coupla-T-BOXES ! ! ! !

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Will be using the 3 - cherry-wood logs in foreground to build this loom. Note: All this wood came down in 02/09 ice-storm ( this pic shows only a ' token ' amount of the terrible-damage to our timber )

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit