Oh, my. There was a 32" 12H Macomber listed on Craigslist here in my home town. (that in itself is absolutely freakin' amazing) Emailed the seller several times, but no reply. Tried one more time on Thursday, and lo and behold, got a response that someone else was coming to look at it today. (Sunday) So, I wait. email comes in that the other buyer thought it was too small for her. Great! I go to look at it......it is an early one, but looks to be in pretty decent shape. Counted the top metal thingies and there were 12. (It was in sort of a dark corner of a storage room). Decide to take it. Get it home and unload it into the garage. (My God! it is heavy! for such a small loom) Hubby says, "Why are there only 4 of these frame things?" Panic set in. I didn't even think to count the frames! There is a bag full of extra heddles and other misc parts, but only 4 frames. I've emailed the seller to see if we just missed getting them loaded, but I'm not holding my breath. Everything is here for the other 8 harnesses (jacks, lamms, treadles) except for the frames that hold the heddles. Any suggestions on where to get just frames? I'm just sick. I'm hoping the seller finds the others, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Connie


Michael White

Connie, it is great that you got your loom. I hope you find the frames. If not the frames can be gotten from Macomber (I guess they will sell you just frames) The good thing is the frames are easy to have made. Any welding shop should be able to make you frames. the jack and lams or a difference story. If you can not find a shop to do the work I know someone that will.



Michael White

Friends when you purchase a used loom that is in pieces and before you get excited about your great find. Check to see if you have everything that comes with the loom. If there are parts missing ask for them. If the seller does not know where the parts are, you can ask for a reduction in the selling price or you can walk away. 


andsewon (not verified)

Totall agree, Michael. But, it helps to have a brain! LOL Sad thing is, this loom wasn't in pieces. It was fully assembled. I just totally blanked out. Me, the person who's bought hundreds of antique sewing machines, spinning wheels, antiques, etc. I should know better! But it's a journey, yes? lol

andsewon (not verified)

I'm still looking for a 16H. This 12H is just a plaything until then. ;o)

Michael White

Connie, count the number of slots in the lam spacer to see if it will take any move lams.


andsewon (not verified)

Got a call back from the seller. He left a message on my cell phone and said, "I bet you're looking for the harnesses! They're sitting right here. Just didn't get picked up." Whew! Since he called them "harnesses," I'm pretty sure he knows what I was talking about. (I had to describe them to his mother and I called them the metal frames that hold the heddles.) The seller admitted that he knew nothing about weaving or the loom, but I think he'd done a bit of homework. So, tomorrow, I go back to get them. Keeping my fingers crossed that all are there.

Michael White

Ikautio, Dorotea999, and DebbieB wecome to the group.


DebbieB (not verified)

Andsewon (Connie) invited me - I joined Weavolution ages ago but haven't been active here. I am active in the Ravelry weaving groups, but we don't have a special section for Mac owners. I'm glad you started this little corner of the internet, and I hope to learn (and contribute) a lot!


Michael White

Thanks Debbie, we can use all the contributions you have to offer. I hope to learn from you and the other Mac owners. Connie is now a happy camper. The seller found the harness frames she left behind when she picked up the loom.


andsewon (not verified)

Stopped back today and picked up all 8 of the missing frames and heddle bars. He even found the lamp that goes with it. Don't know if this was sold by Macomber or if it is some generic add-on, but it will come in handy. Went to Lowe's today and I'm now armed with Rustoleum spray paint and Rust Converter, wire brushes, (more) steel wool, etc. Sure wish it would warm back up. The garage isn't heated! Connie

Michael White

Put away the paint, wire brushes and put your loom together. Start using your loom now. A little rust has never hurt anything. Later you can strip down your baby and work on it when it is warmer. If you work on it now in the cold you will just be whining and fussing the whole time. Then you and hubby will not be happy about the loom.


andsewon (not verified)

If I put it together before I get it cleaned up, it will never get done. Hubby even said this. lol Besides, everything is pretty dirty, so I have to clean it up anyway before we take it in the house. Will be easier to get it upstairs in less pieces. This way, my reward for the work on it will be to get to warp it. ;o) I have a lot of cleaning to do before I get to the painting. I'm sure it will be warm enough by then.

Vicki Allen (not verified)

I believe you will love your Macomber! My loom is an 8 shaft Macomber and it was stored in a garage for a while before I got it. My husband says he will refinish it as soon as he catches it without a warp! It is so easy to dress and so much fun to weave on, I don't know when that will be!

Vicki Allen



andsewon (not verified)

I found the crank! It was down in the bottom of the tall box that came with the loom that is full of warp sticks and lease sticks, etc. I dumped it out on the garage floor intending to take out all the little short sticks and there it was! The weaving Gods are certainly smiling on me. :o)

DebbieB (not verified)

So glad you found your crank!