I'm still putting everything together after our cross-country move 6 months ago.  I've got a warp on my older model Cranbrook loom ready to tie on to the back beam, and realized that the tie-on bar I THINK was on the back warp beam is missing.  I'm a new weaver and had only used the loom a few times before we had to take it apart.  I vaguely remember texsolv ties and a wooden piece...but I can't find anything like that in the leftover pieces.  Can someone take a picture of a tie-on bar for me?  There are holes in the back beam...I remember stringing Texsolv through them.  But wouldn't there have to have been a piece of wood for those strings.  I do have two plain yard-stick-like pieces that are the width of the loom (no, not the lee sticks).  Perhaps I used one of them.


Joanne Hall

The Glimakra tie-on bar for the large loom is 1 1/8 in by 5/8 in and has rounded edges, so it is oval shaped.  If you need to replace your bar, wood is much lighter weight than metal, so it makes the tie-up easier. 


illoominated (not verified)

I found four Texsolv strings all the same length, and I'm supposing the long wooden pieces I mentioned could be used for a tie-on bar...they sound a lot like your Glimakra bar.  However,  what kind of knots are used to connect the Texsolv strings to the back beam and the wood pieces?

Joanne Hall

Hi Dawn,

You make loops in the cord rather than tie knots.  Do you have one of my books?  They show how to do this.


illoominated (not verified)

I do have your book, I'll take a look.



illoominated (not verified)

Thanks, Joanne.  I found it on page 6.