Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

25 Oct 09

I finished the sample - and . . . well . . . I must have done something wrong - so after a while gave up on trying to create  a pattern and simply enjoyed a plain weave. The end result is really elegant - its like holding very fine paper - shame that the attempt at making a pattern failed. I'll have to try again - perhaps with multi-coloured warp threads.


so - furthering my "exploration" and experimentation with patterns I've decided to do a sample (can't believe I did not think to do such a thing before!!!) I'm following the tips from Ask the Bellwether - putting them to the test so to speak. No, I'm not questioning her oh so helpful hints - rather I'm trying to understand them better. I've got two heddles - I want to be able to do more than "just" a nice plain weave - the only way to achieve this is to jump in head first.

I've warped the first heddle - the second I'll do tomorrow. It's amazingly fiddly to warp such a fine thread.


11 Oct 09

ok - sooo . . . ummmm . . .yeah.

this is not working as I expected. I've warped up fine (amazingly) and started weaving - the weaving is "working"  . . . I think. But I see no pattern emerging and certainly no twill pattern emerging.

What could I have done wrong?

1) I thought - perhaps my monochrome choice was affecting it? But if that were true I ought to still be able to see the "pattern" no? Possibly even the texture?

So I swapped weft colours to see if that had an affect . . .ummm, no. Not so much.

I've followed the instructions - 123, 123, . . . but . . . hmm.

I'll have a pic or two posted tomorrow or the next day. I'm only doing a sample so its not a failure - its a learning process! And it gives me something to "examine" and figure out what is happening.



Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit