Tien was part of the last year's Munsell/dye study group, in fact you can blame her for all of this.  She asked me what I meant when I wrote that the Munsell system was helpfull to dyers.  Anyhow she completed all the tasks last Oct. and her expanded knowledge of color is very much a part of her design process.  You can see this on her blog right now, look at the 5 May entry.  You should look for her recently dyed jacket, Kodachrome, too.  I tease her that I need sunglasses to view it.  She'd probably wear it for a job interview.



Mary Rios (not verified)

Tien is very generous in helping others -  She is fearless - I admire her and her work!

Of all the people in that study - how many finished all the tasks? How many weeks was it?

Karren K. Brito

We started in June and in Oct. I called an end to it.   Most people had equipment problems, didn't belive me when I said that they need a digital balance that weighed 0.1g...   then they went to Convergence, silly weavers..  To my knowledge, only Tien finished it all.  Only 4 out of 12 actually worked on dyeing the color wheel.  When you finish you rubber glove color, you and Tien will be the only ones to have finished.

Another problem then and now, it that when everyone is doing different task there is very little exchange.  I feel that half of the learning happens when the participants interact  but they have to all be doing more or less the same thing to interact.  It is hard for one who is still dyeing pure colors and not sure about the Notations to have any insights about how to mix 5RP...  Much closer this time, having the equipment ahead of the class helped.  I will add the Munsell Poster as an option.